Come back to school with Louisa Boren STEM K-8 students March 13-17 to calculate pi, race the world’s smallest solar car, explore your local environmental impact and engage in more activities focused on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) with Pacific Science Center, Center for Wooden Boats, Univ of Washington and much more.
Louisa Boren STEM K8 PTA is hosting STEM Community Week March 13-17, 2023 for school families and the broader community. Among the many favorite activities taking place: Girls Rock Math will calculate pi with wikki sticks on Pi Day March 14; attendees will explore blood and guts with the Pacific Science Center on March 15; and University of Washington’s Clean Energy Institute will run a solar car derby on March 16.
All events are free to attend. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase. Win amazing prizes such as a Solo Stove, Private Music Lessons, or a Birthday Party for 30! Raffle winners will be drawn on Friday, March 17 at 7:30 PM. You do not need to be present to win. All sales will benefit STEM K8. Volunteer with us and see details below!

MONDAY, MARCH 13: Wetlands Walk
4 – 6 PM
With Delridge Neighborhood Development Association & Nature Consortium
Learn from nature experts about your environmental impact on our neighborhood and the greater PNW at a wetland just two blocks away from STEM K8.

4 – 6 PM
With Girls Rock Math and Mathnasium
3.14159….. Pi never changes. And it goes on forever.
Calculate pi with wiki sticks, learn all about fractals and play math games.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15: Science Lab
4 – 6 PM
With Pacific Science Center, STEM Pals, and UW Molecular Engineering Materials Center
Learn about blood & guts, how your phone runs out of battery so fast, and the physics behind your kids spinning round and round in a chair!

THURSDAY, MARCH 16: Engineering Workshop
4 – 6 PM
With the Center for Wooden Boats and Clean Energy Institute of UW
Build your own wooden boat and race the world’s smallest solar car!

FRIDAY, MARCH 17: Hammering Owl Art Showcase & Raffle
6 – 8 PM
With CraftLab Seattle
Everyone can leave with a piece of art! Create art, view a student art gallery and purchase tickets to win amazing experiences and packages!

Purchase raffle tickets throughout STEM Community Week to win incredible packages. All winners will be drawn on Friday, March 17 at 7:30 PM during the Hammering Owl Art Raffle. You do not need to be present to win.
Questions? Contact Mary Ann Lambert, PTA Fundraising Chair, at
Volunteer to help during any of the events of Community Week. Middle school students are welcome to help Mon-Thu with set up or event activities; must be an adult to sell raffle tickets.